Mercy Dental Group
Posted On: October 28, 2020 in: Community Spotlight

Park Bank Community Spotlight: Mercy Dental Group
Are you due for a teeth cleaning? In the first few weeks of the COVID-19 shutdown this past spring, the pandemic shut down much of Mercy Dental Group’s regular activity, with the exception of emergency cases. But now, they are back to business – but not as usual.
“We want to balance the importance of dental health and regular cleanings with ensuring a safe environment in light of the COVID pandemic,” says Dr. Daniel Tataje. “We have always had a strict cleaning policy, but in light of the current situation, we are increasing the frequency and have begun using cleaning products that are specifically designed to kill viruses.”
Additionally, they have changed the way they schedule, with more time between appointments for cleaning and preparing for the next patient. The waiting room has also been moved – to patients’ cars.
“We have a system with our patients. They text us when they arrive and wait in the parking lot in their vehicles, rather than in our waiting room. We miss having them there, but know it is an easy way to keep them safe.”
With new, safe procedures in place, Dr. Tataje encourages everyone to go back to their normal health routines as much as possible. “We are working to ensure a safe experience here so you can be healthy -- and stay that way.”
Featured in an Isthmus email.