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Credit Card Acceptance Services to Give Your Business an Edge

Convenience is a huge selling point with prospective customers.

Give your customers the flexibility of making card-based payments with a card processing solution from Park Bank. You also get the added benefit of digitizing your cash flow and keeping it organized in one central transaction system.

Already have a card processing provider? Contact us about a no-cost price comparison!


Our expertise in varying technologies means you have a number of card processing options to choose from.

We'll work with you to ensure you have the right equipment and support when you need it.

Different businesses require different solutions. Our diverse background in various payment solutions expands your choices to ensure a good fit with your business.

  • IP (Internet Protocol)-enabled terminals
  • Third-party POS (Point of Sale) compatible systems
  • Gift card capable terminals
  • Multi-business terminals
  • Web-enabled payments
  • Virtual terminals
  • POS computer software
  • Wireless terminals

Our team is here with you every step of the way. When you use Park Bank’s credit card acceptance services, you receive the benefit of:

  • Competitive pricing
  • No teaser rates
  • Help desk availability 24/7
  • Affordable equipment options
  • Online access to merchant activity
  • Friendly, local customer service



Merchant Services FAQs

If you don’t find the answer to your specific question on this page, feel free to give us a call. We’re happy to help. Call Park Bank At Your Service at 608.278.2801.


Q: Who should I call if my terminal is having technical problems?

A: If you have technical problems with your terminal, please call the BASYS Processing help desk 24/7 at 800.386.0711.


Q: Merchant fees are expensive, but I know I have to accept MasterCard/Visa/Discover to serve my customers. How can I lower my fees?

A: We would be happy to talk to you to see if we can help save you money. There may be a way to help you qualify at better rates with Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Please contact Park Bank’s Treasury Services department for more information.


Q: Is it possible for me to accept credit card payments over my website?

A: Yes. Give us a call at 608.278.2801 to discuss your options.


Q: Who should I order supplies and equipment from?

A: The following are ways to order supplies for your credit card terminal:

  1. Order from your current source for office supplies.
  2. Order from TASQ at 877.279.1774.

Q: Can you help me add acceptance of American Express to my terminal?

A: Park Bank can help you with the acceptance of American Express, and it is very easy to set it up. Simply contact Treasury Services at 608.278.2801 to get started.


Q: When am I charged for my processing fees?

A: All merchant service fees from Park Bank will come out of your account on the 5th of the month. Unlike other merchant providers, Park Bank will not deduct any fees directly from your merchant bankcard deposits. This way of billing is designed to help make your reconciling process easier.


Q: How do I generate a detail report from a previous day after I have settled out my terminal?

A: The Merchant Business Center allows you to access to historical merchant bankcard transaction information.

Don’t leave decisions about your business up to chance.

Our team of professionals is ready to listen. Get in touch with them today to learn how you can benefit from any of our commercial lending, banking, or cash flow services.

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